Saturday, July 23, 2011


Hello everybody. My name is Dillon. I've recently been thinking about a way to get my views out. I've taken a serious look at a lot of the teachings of Christian churches (both Protestant and Catholic) and frankly I've become rather distressed. So much disinformation is pushed onto the Body of Christ, for many reasons which are sometimes difficult to understand. Oftentimes, the purpose for such misteaching seems to be control of the churche's followers.

So I decided to create this blog so as to discuss what I believe. I'm going to put in a lot of research into the dogmas, teachings and claims of the Christian religion, from all different sects and denominations. Then I will do my best to support or "debunk" these teachings, using the one thing we as Christians know beyond a doubt is true. The Bible. The central theme of this blog is in my strong belief that human beings should no longer be allowed to play God, and claim to be able to teach us about God. In the case of some groups of Christianity (such as Catholocism), these humans pretend to be interceders between you and God.

I chose the name Freestyle Christianity because of this fundamental belief. Freestyle refers to the fact that the person in question makes their own (hopefully informed) decision, that they do things their own way. This is what I choose for myself. But please, do not blindly follow what you read posted here. Really read the results of my research, do your own as well. THEN make a decision on what you believe.

Leave a comment or send me an E-mail if you'd like me to read about a certain piece of dogma and make a post.


1 comment:

  1. Hey, good start. It should be interesting to see what kind of discussions arise out of your posts.
